An Apple Far From The Tree

It seemed like not too long ago, Apple was producing pioneering work that no one else would consider making. Fast forward to a post-Jobs world, and the spark that once defined Apple’s rebellious spirit, from “1984” to “I’m A Mac”,  is no longer there.

Which brings us to this iPhone spot that debuted recently.

“You’re more powerful than you think.” It’s not that Apple is lacking a statement, it’s that the statement is not necessarily saying anything groundbreaking or profound.  Apple and MAL’s most recent iPad campaign, “Your Verse”, delivered a similar message: look at how our products enhance a diversity of passions. I notice the inspiration behind the strategy is related to “Powerful” and I’m not confident this is the counterpunch marketing chiefs at Cupertino were hoping for.

Although a little petty, the song choice is also not one I’d enjoy hearing repeatedly. Not to blast on Pixies or their sound, but the hook’s theme is almost juvenile in it’s delivery. Apple felt as if they need to be on the offensive in the tech market; time will tell if this campaign helps to right the ship and alleviate pressure.

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